Church and State

Touma (Bitar), Archimandrite
Archbishop of Beirut calls on state to treat people equally
Response of the Orthodox clergy of the Archdiocese of Tirana to some recent false statements
Lebanese president to new Orthodox Patriarch: Ensuring a dignified life to Christians of the East
Turkey: working group for dialogue between Russian Orthodox Church and Republic of Turkey’s Residency of Religious Affairs
Eritrea: military conscription is killing Church
Egypt’s Coptic Orthodox Church to take part in constitutional poll
Orthodox Church in Istanbul will be rebuilt
Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk meets with Ambassador of France to Russia
SVS Schmemann Lecture 2013: Dr Peter Brown to Present “Constantine, Eusebius, and the Future of Christianity”
Pakistan: Bishop welcomes 'real justice' for Rimsha
Mahmoud Abbas meets Russian Patriarch in Bethlehem
Syria: towards the elaboration of an Orthodox position on what is happening
The abbot of the Monastery of St John the Baptist and St Silouan discusses what should be the role of the Church in politics in the context of the situation in Syria. What attitude should Christians, individually, and as the Church, take when faced with violence and injustice in their society? "Either Christ is with us and among us or we have nothing whatsoever to bring us together and unite us. We remain divided in our hearts, opposing each other in our intentions. Either the love of Christ or the stench of death!"
Primate of Russian Orthodox Church congratulates Barack Obama on his re-election as US President
Patriarch Maxim of Bulgaria dies at age 98
Egypt's Copts choose new pope for uncertain times
Pakistan: Could disabled girl's case change Blasphemy Law?
Metropolitan Hilarion: The more positive news in the media, the less aggression in society
On September 22, 2012, the Church and the World program on the Russia 24 TV channel had as its guest Alexander Arkhangelsky, author, publicist and television presenter. Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, Chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, talked with him.
Georgian Patriarch urges release of anti-torture protesters
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill meets with the Emperor and Prime Minister of Japan
Metropolitan Hilarion: Interreligious tension develops first of all because of ignorance
Beginning from this September, the Church and the World talk-show on Russia-24 channel will come out in a new format. Now a part of the program is allocated to a talk of Metropolitan Hilarion, head of the Department for External Church relations, with guests. On September 15, 2012, the Church and the World program had as a guest Mr. N. Svanidze, a television journalist and historian, Director of the Mass Media Institute of the Russian State University of the Humanities.
Iranian pastor Yousef Nadarkhani released from prison
Patriarch Kirill’s interview with Russia TV channel
On September 9, 2012, the Russia NV channel showed an interview His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia gave to journalist Dmitry Kiselev.
Pakistani girl accused of blasphemy is granted bail
Primate of Russian Church leads celebrations in Moscow on 200th anniversary of Russia’s victory in Patriotic War of 1812
Pakistani faith groups seek release of girl accused of blasphemy
Patriarch Kirill meets with Japan’s ambassador to Russia
Over 12 thousand Christian faithful "starving" in the village of Rableh: humanitarian law is invoked
Call for all Copts, NGOs to form coordinating body outside church auspices
Morsi wants sectarian clashes culprits punished; Church calls for end to violence against Copts
President says 'Egyptian citizens won't be terrorised' in wake of Dahshur's sectarian clashes; Shura Council establishes committee to promote reconciliation; Coptic Church says violence against Christians must end
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